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Arab Spring


Resolution accepted at the 14th Council Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, April 1-3, 2011

The EGP pays tribute to the courage of the people in North Africa and in the Middle East who have made a stand in order to demand democracy and freedom and deplores the loss of human life during the peaceful uprisings.

The so-called “Arab Spring” of popular uprisings against dictatorial and undemocratic regimes is spreading fast. Events in Tunisia and Egypt have demonstrated that it is possible to effect fundamental changes in the way such countries are governed if there is sufficient courage on the part of the people to overcome their fears and to challenge the forces of repression. Developments in these two countries are still unfolding but all the signs are that they will be able to follow a peaceful and inclusive path towards a genuinely open society. The force of the “Arab Spring” is flowing and cannot be reversed.

Whilst the situation in each country deserves individual analysis and comment beyond the scope of this Resolution, the EGP wishes to place on record its full support for those peoples seeking freedom and the right to live in open, tolerant and just societies. The current military intervention in Libya is covered by a more detailed and separate resolution.

The EGP pays tribute to the courage of the people in North Africa and in the Middle East who have made a stand in order to demand democracy and freedom and deplores the loss of human life during the peaceful uprisings.

We are aware that it is not for us to dictate what form of political structures should replace those of existing regimes but in our view they should reflect the participation of all strands of society and be based on respect for the rule of law, full human rights and free and fair elections. The European Greens should be pro-active in their support of civil society in the transition towards such fully pluralistic systems.

We call on the international community to respect the following principles in their reactions to events unfolding in countries such as Bahrain, Syria, Yemen:-

1. To uphold the right of each sovereign peoples to political self-determinationandtoachieve this by peaceful assembly and demonstration.

2.That the existing regimes must respond to genuine popular demands for fundamental reforms in a constructive and non-violent manner.

3. That UN-mandated financial and travel sanctions be imposed against the leaders, close family and associates of regimes which respond violently against their people.

4. That all military sales to such regimes are immediately suspended.

5. That the EU in particular recognises the fact that there can be severe dislocation of populations arising from such popular uprisings where these turn into violent conflicts, and that member states will then be faced with an exceptional flow of refugees to which they must respond with generosity and understanding and abiding by the principles of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibilities enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty.

6. In dealing with the evacuation and matters of asylum, activation of the Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55/CE is essential, to share responsibility for the relocation of persons protected under this scheme to other EU Member States and to harmonise temporary protection for displaced persons. The directive envisages a number of obligations towards beneficiaries of temporary protection. These include: a residence permit for the entire duration of the stay, access to employment, access to suitable accommodation, access to education for minors as well as the possibility of family reunification.

Download the complete resolution inPDF format here...

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